Ce vendredi 3 janvier 2025, le Ministre du Tourisme et de l'Artisanat Pascal Ogowe Siffon a invité son collègue, le Ministre de l'Industrie, François Mbongo Rafemo, ainsi qu'une délégation de l'Agence Gabonaise de Normalisation (AGANOR) et de la Marine Marchande, à découvrir la toute nouvelle caravane flottante sur le site touristique de Cap Caravane, situé dans la commune d'Akanda, au nord de Libreville. Il s'agit d'une embarcation artisanale motorisée, conçue et construite par des (...) - INFRASTRUCTURES / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON
The main conceptual idea of the text is the launch of a new, locally-built, motorized barge designed for tourism on Gabonese waterways.
This project is highlighted as:
* An example of Gabonese artisanal innovation in the tourism and maritime sectors.
* A symbol of promoting domestic tourism via safe and commercially viable river and lake travel.
* An opportunity to showcase local expertise and contribute to Gabon's economic development.
The barge's construction and testing demonstrate a commitment to quality and safety, and its potential rollout across Gabon's waterways signifies a promising step towards diversifying the country's tourism offerings.
The main conceptual idea of the text is the launch of a new, locally-built, motorized barge designed for tourism on Gabonese waterways. This project is highlighted as: * An example of Gabonese artisanal innovation in the tourism and maritime sectors. * A symbol of promoting domestic tourism via safe and commercially viable river and lake travel. * An opportunity to showcase local expertise and contribute to Gabon's economic development. The barge's construction and testing demonstrate a commitment to quality and safety, and its potential rollout across Gabon's waterways signifies a promising step towards diversifying the country's tourism offerings.